We interrupt this knitting blog for the following rant. It is about the Canadian election if you are not interested please feel free to skip.
The Conservative Party has not released a platform. I have asked them from a link on their website what their platform is, I haven't heard back. Harper has said he will announce policy on Oct 15 (the day after the election). What the hell good does that do for me?
All of the election ads have been attack ads, what other people have done wrong, why their plans won't work.
So far in election promises Harper has promised:
Up to $750 tax credit for new home buyers (doesn't mean you will get $750)
$0.02/L decrease in diesel / aviation fuel tax. The gas prices are changing by >$.10/L overnight - what does this do.
$150 tax credit to seniors
As I can't find the platform and only am able to get the sound bites of these policies what they actually mean is not much.
I want to know what his plans are on health care, environment, agriculture, family, economy. Harper has assured us we are not going to have a recession since
if we were going to have one it would have started already. I need something more to go on.
My question is why are people going to vote for the Conservative Party - they are not willing to tell you what they want to do with the country yet you are willing to hand over control to them. Polls are showing that the Tories have 36% national support. This makes no sense to me.
A couple of things that I did find out about Harper while searching for his platform. He is writing a book on the early days of the NHL and that Laureen Harper is also listed as a Conservative Leader (she has never been elected so I don't know how this has happened).
If anyone out there is planning on voting conservative or knows some one who is I have a two simple questions "What part of the Tory platform attracts you? What do you want to see Harper accomplish?"
If my search of the Conservative website and of the internet has been faulty and a policy document is out there then please let me know where it is.
I think I will send a l link to this blog entry Conservative candidate in my riding to see if they can shed light on this issue.