Monday, February 18, 2008

Something scary

Do you want to know something scary?

Sure you do.

It is not this massacre, that I actually came home to twice this past week. That is Bear, a big stuffed animal that Keeper liked to play with. On Monday I came home and there was small pieces of styrafoam that met me at the door. A quick search of the house led me to believe that Bear was attacked in the rec room and was carried around the house. Bear had a small hole in its arm that I thought could easily be fixed. I went about cleaning up the carnage. Cleaning this up I realized that it was not carried through the house just that those light as nothing pieces stick to everything and are blown everywhere. Friday I came home, and someone had gotten bear from the spare room upstairs (the door does not close firmly) and proceeded to rip the other arm off. More vaccumming. Even today, after yet another vacuuming there is still styrafoam bits everywhere.

The scary thing is that I actually have knitting content to report on. I have finished another front and the back to my cardigan.

The good news is they are the same size. Here they are spread out on the floor prior to blocking. Demonstrating their sameness. I added more seed stitch to the button flap since I really like how this yarn (Noro Silk Garden) looks in seed stitch.

As if that is not enough knitting for you, I have finished one of the Hedera socks. I think that should count as a FO since it is a Cookie A pattern and she only ever knits one. Alas but I can't bring myself to wear mismatched socks even if they are handknit so I guess I shouldn't count it just yet.

I think reporting on two knitting project is enough for one blog post.

(See I told you this was scary.)


Francesca said...

I love how silk garden looks in seed stitch too. And yes, one sock counts. If it didn't I might never get anything done!

Jenni said...

Where, oh where, has the house made of wool gone? Where, oh where could she be? I'd blame Keeper, but he's much too much a gentledog. Ali, on the other hand. Well, he's always up to something...

Hope you've thawed from winter. One more storm to go (in all likelihood) and then it's smooth sailing to berry season.