Monday, October 02, 2006

Sock wars

I finished the socks last week and have been waiting patiently to mail them. I have not received my dossier from YarnMonkey left and all attempts at contacting my victim has proved futile. So I have a couple of choices - keep sitting on these socks hoping I get an address from my victim while I wait to receive my socks or say my victim is a deserter and try to kill her victim. I have emailed my victims victim and she has not heard anything from her assassin. So I really don't know if my victim is playing or not. I have decided though to rip out the toes on these socks and make them a little longer in case I decided to go with the deserter plan. My victims victim has slightly larger feet than my target and myself.

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Wily Jeneric said...

I say go after your victim's victim. You made a good effort to contact your victim and they aren't playing nice (or even playing at all). Consider them dead (due to natural causes) and move on!

Anonymous said...

Make Love, Not War! Send some homemade cookies and hope for a speedy recovery.