Thursday, January 31, 2008

A trip to Michigan in Pictures

Books were readThreadBear was visited (and yarn was purchased)
Official Photos were taken and not so official
I was shocked that Jenni suggested this trip and actually sat for a photo
Guitar Hero was played

Ali got quite good at playing the guitar (although I don't have any photos)
I didn't play Guitar Hero very much. I just can't get into video games (except Tetris). I understand why people find them fun, and I enjoying commenting on how other people are playing either critiquing or giving advice, but I just can't get into them. However, I have this week heard about a new "game" for the Wii that I might like, Endless Ocean. I put game in quotes since you can swim around and take photos of things or you can sit on the deck chair and stair out at the water all the time. There is no winning or missions or scores. So to play this video "game" can involve you knitting while you sit in a deck chair looking out at the lagoon.

1 comment:

Liz K. said...

You're one of 1000 knitters! OMG! So jealous!