Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Happy 2008!

This past Christmas week has seemed like one event after another with just enough time between events to prepare food for the next event. Little knitting was completed although a fun time was had by all.

(I love this picture of Sarah that Emily took. My brother showed us a setting on our camera that allows you to take isolate a colour in a photo).

(Yes, Ali received a 4x8" poster for Superbad)

A favourite Christmas present that I received:

A beautiful wooden swift, which was dutifully put to use to wind this
for these.


Wily Jeneric said...

A bird in the hand! Oo, pretty. I like the varigation. Subtle, but pleasing. Who are they for?

It looks like I'm going to have to suck it up and do some color knitting. M-I-L asked for a hat with meeses, er moose. A Bea Ellis design.

Teresa said...

The mitts are for me. I need some new ones and have been thinking about it for a while. I have also decided that I need a new hat although this can wait since my current hat is great in this weather - but not so much when the temperature is above freezing.