I can't find my little case that keeps all my darning needles in so these will have to wait to be truly finished objects

This is the Oriel top. This tank has gone through several iterations to get to this stage.
I started off with the W pattern from Knitty. However I realized when I was almost through one ball of yarn that I was not going to have enough yarn. So it visited the frog pond.

I liked the Lotus blossom tank in the summers IK, but wasn't sure I had enough yarn. What to do I didn't want to skip on length then end up with yarn left over.
Provisional cast on to the rescue. I knit the top of the tank (twice - gauge issues) following some of the shaping of the Shapely tank. The cast on was then taken out and I started the lace pattern working down. After a couple of different patterns Oriel was chosen. A picot bindoff along the neckline and hem was used.

Needles : 3.75 mm (3.5 mm for edges)
Pattern: A little bit of several patterns
This yarn being a cotton acrylic blend was pleasant to knit with and I would use it again.
The second almost finished object
The Spey Valley socks

These socks are knit out of Trekking XXL and has reaffirmed that I am not a fan of this yarn. I don't think it gives a firm fabric for wear unless it is knit on tiny 1.75 mm needles.
These socks were meant to be for Ali but unfortunately when I was trying them on to judge their length they felt nice and tight to my feet. There is no way they would fit Ali's feet. I guess I just got another pair of socks for my drawer.
I do need something to knit

I still haven't decided on a sweater, I have added a few more to the potential list (I would like a basic grey cardigan that I could wear almost everyday) since I think Jenni was right about some of the other selections. I haven't found the yarn that I want for the cardigan so that will be part of the mission this Saturday at the Knitters Fair.
Raverly update
- You signed up on July 3, 2007
- You are #12938 on the list.
- 1907 people are ahead of you in line.
- 17478 people are behind you in line.
- 36% of the list has been invited so far
So here are some real FO's

1 comment:
I had to share something I just read:
Debating is a foundational aspect of a democratic society and thus reflects the values of Canadians.
What a broad statement! Are all Canadians argumentative? Do you and Ali debate various values and ideas all night? How do you get anything done?
Good on you for some finished knits. I like the leafy details on the bottom of the tank. I'm thinking I should knit a tank for next summer to celebrate the first summer in 2 years that I could actually wear such a thing.
As for the socks, well, I think Ali should be pouting in a corner that he is again skipped over for hand knit socks (I say again with the rash assumption that there have been other socks you've thought about knitting him but didn't).
At some point, I will post (on one or the other blog!) and you will know how many items have been contemplated (and abandonded), started (and frogged), or scorned with derisive laughter. It's shocking how ambivalent yet needy I've become with the knitting.
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