I have been wearing my entrelac socks, on a weekly basis since it has gotten cold (I only have 8 pairs of knit socks so they get worn often in the rotation), without a problem. They are KPPPM and have been through the washing machine 3 -4 times (I also handwash my socks). Monday morning however, I went to put them on.
My finger went through the fabric right below the cuff.

Careful analysis has revealed that I had dropped a purl stitch half way up the ribbing, and not noticing it, the stitch has slowly run down and is now releasing all the stitches in the dark blue square. I feel that I have a major repair project in my hands - Claudia's quick fix - which I have used often will not help me know. It would have helped in June, but alas I must reknit the cuff. I'll have to figure out if more drastic work needs to be done when I rip back that far.
I am just glad that I noticed it when I was putting the sock on and not part way through the day. The dark blue square would unravel completely if left to its own devices in the present state. I have already started unravelling the cast off edge of the cuff.
Progress in knitting has been slow anyway. The back of the cardigan is 2/3 done - and I have a sock for Christmas 1/2 done. Exciting.
Start a new trend! Drop Stitch socks to go with your drop stitch scarf!
I'm sorry to post here, but I couldn't find your e-mail through blogger. Thank you for your comment on my Tangled Yoke. I was also concerned about the fit around the upper arms, but it's just right. I love it when a teeny, tiny person like Eunny Jang can upsize a pattern to fit someone much larger so nicely. I've had problems with Norah Gaughan's patterns: specifically that the armholes and upper arms are way too tight for me. It's a hard fix to make on a set-in sleeve, but in a yoked sweater, you could just increase more as you knit the sleeves, and the shoulder/yoke area just eases nicely. Love the Felted Tweed!z BTW, your socks are looking lovely!
Pretty harsh language for a knitting blog. I am offended!
Ouch. That bites. The good news is that you found it. The bad news is that you have to fix it. I'm assuming you already eagle-eyed your way through the rest of the sock and its mate to make sure there were no other whole opportunities.
Happy (American) Thanksgiving. Eat well, drink hard and take advantage of the low American dollar.
That's the worst. Well, at least you'll get better at fixing things... if that's any consolation...
Good grief! You are a master at suspense! Are the fixed? What contortions did you leap through? How does this story end?
I'm wearing my Brittany needle breaking socks as we speak, and boy are they sure comfy!!!
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